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Becoming Earthly

Becoming Earthly is a heart project that grew during the 2020 lockdowns. Two friends from the Thelonious Collective, Clem and I wanted to explore our relationship to the Earth in a deeper way. The project started with us applying to this program at The Barn. In the end, we didn't get into the program, but, instead of dropping the idea, we decided to create our own regular space for engaging with this topic of becoming earthly. We began to meet weekly (online) to discuss the theme and what it means in our personal lives. Two other friends from the collective joined us over time, and, despite only ever meeting together online - we were scattered across the Earth in Mexico, USA, Switzerland and UK - Becoming Earthly became a weekly space for exploring themes in our lives and going deeper. Although our sessions were all mediated by technology we explored ways to connect and share our experiences beyond this such as taking each other for a 'walk' in our local neighbourhood, sharing music and doing body practices together.

Becoming Earthly has been a profound and joyful creation that feels more like a living being than a project. We have explored ways to share the seed of BE with others in our lives as well as through events such as at IAM festival. We encourage others to grow their own BE groups, the ingredients are simple but the outcomes profound. All that's needed is a regular space/time to meet (in whatever way you want to meet), an openness to going deeper, an attitude of radical acceptance and the patience to allow things to grow organically. In our sessions we found it particularly juicy to have a theme to explore, for example, some of the themes we have discussed are: rhythm, borders, soil, identity, doors. If you do create your own BE, we wish you a fruitful and meaningful experience and would love to hear about it!

